Matt Alder, Recruiting Future
Richard Collins, Resume Wallet
14 February 2024
In the latest episode of Recruiting Future with Matt Alder, Matt and Richard discuss...
The current talent marketplace
AI-driven changes in job seeker and applicant behaviour
The potential impact on the recruiting process
Challenges of dealing with an increasing volume of applications
Unreliable applicant data
Pre-qualifying and pre-verifying without creating friction in the process
Will we see a revolution in assessment and selection?
How do we define what is cheating or fraud?
A shift to assessing soft skills
How does recruitment marketing need to adapt
A cost-per-qualified application model
Proactive versus reactive change
How much change will there be in 2024
What does the future of recruiting look like?
Take a listen to the podcast here:
Ep 591: Is AI Changing Jobseeker Behaviour?